Game Library
Wingspan: Asia
Duration :
No. of Player :
Age :
Complexity :
/ 5
Lower rating means easier to understand
Designer :
Elizabeth Hargrave
Type :
Family, Strategy
Mechanism :
Dice Rolling, End Game Bonuses, Hand Management, Open Drafting, Set Collection, Solo / Solitaire Game
This third expansion to Wingspan brings new species to our habitats by exploring the vibrant, intriguing, and magnificent birds of Asia. These birds were chosen from the over 2,800 species that live in Asia.
Wingspan Asia is several different things: a standalone game for 1-2 players (and the "duet" mode that can be used with any bird/bonus cards), a card expansion to the original Wingspan, and a 6-7 player expansion via the new "flock" mode (for which the player components from the core game are necessary).
—description from the publisher
Disclaimer: Information related to games are from boardgamegeek.com.
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